
保坂 啓一


徳島大学大学院医歯薬学研究部歯学域臨床歯学系再生歯科治療学分野(旧称:歯科保存学分野,歯科保存学第一講座)は,1977年の開設以降,初代教授西野瑞穗先生から始まり、内田昭次先生,恵比須繁之先生,松尾敬志先生と,歴代教授により継承されて参りました。2021年に第5代教授として任命を賜りましたこと光栄に存じます。着任を機に,分野名が「歯科保存学分野」から「再生歯科治療学分野」へ改称されました。これは,歴史ある伝統を尊重しつつ、Advanced Minimal Intervention Dentistryとも称される新たな学術領域の開拓への意欲と挑戦,ビジョンの表れでもあります。






I am truly honored to serve as the fifth professor of the Department of Regenerative Dental Medicine (formerly known as the Department of Conservative Dentistry) at the Regenerative Dental Medicine, Graduate SchoolGraduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokushima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Our department, established in 1977, has a rich legacy passed down from our first professor, Mizuho Nishino, and continued by Shouji Uchida, Shigeyuki Ebisu, and Takashi Matsuo. In recognition of our history and our commitment to exploring new frontiers, we have transitioned from “Conservative Dentistry” to “Regenerative Dental Medicine,” aligning ourselves with Advanced Minimal Intervention Dentistry.
Our academic focus has evolved from traditional cariology and restorative dentistry to encompass caries prevention and management, adhesive restorative dentistry, dental aesthetics, and dental pulp and dentin regeneration. This shift embodies the principles of Minimal Intervention Dentistry. In our laboratory, we emphasize clinical dental research while actively integrating innovative technologies such as AI, big data, and digital dentistry, striving for state-of-the-art medical practice.
Clinically, we maximize tooth preservation by employing the latest adhesive technologies and precise endodontic techniques using dental operating microscopes, dedicating ourselves to improving oral health. We continuously pursue the acquisition of advanced treatment knowledge, skill development, treatment system establishment, and specialist training.
In this era of globalization, we prioritize collaboration with distinguished researchers and clinicians worldwide, aiming to cultivate a research laboratory with a global perspective. Our objective is to develop versatile, globally-minded professionals who can excel in both research and clinical practice, ultimately contributing to society.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our collaborators within and outside the university, the companies supporting our industry-academia research collaborations, and all stakeholders and community members who hold high expectations for our laboratory. I humbly request your continued support and cooperation as we advance our endeavors.

Keiichi Hosaka, DDS, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Regenerative Dental Medicine, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Tokushima University



Department of Regenerative Dental Medicine,
Tokushima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

The 3rd floor, Faculty of Dentistry Building, 3-18-15 Kuramoto-cho, Tokushima-city, 770-8504, Japan


保坂 啓一 教授
(Prof. Keiichi Hosaka)

中西 正 准教授/医局長
(Associate Prof. Tadashi Nakanishi)

※メールアドレスの(at)は @ に置き換えてください。
