ご挨拶 Greetings

当分野(旧称:歯科保存学分野、歯科保存学第一講座)は、1977年の設立以来、初代教授の西野瑞穂先生から内田昭次先生、恵比須繁之先生、松尾敬志先生へと受け継がれてきました。現在、我々はAdvanced Minimal Intervention Dentistryという新たな学術領域を開拓し、う蝕予防・管理学、接着修復学、歯科審美学、歯髄・象牙質再生歯科学の研究を推進しています。臨床面では、最新の接着技術、歯科用顕微鏡による精密治療、デジタル技術を駆使し、歯の保存可能性を最大限に高めています。また、最新治療の発信、技術の研鑽、治療体制の構築、専門医養成、若手人材の育成にも力を入れています。優れた研究者・臨床家との国際的な連携を重視し、グローバルな視野を持った研究室を目指しています。皆様のご支援とご協力をよろしくお願いいたします。

教授 保坂啓一

Since its establishment in 1977, our department (formerly the Department of Conservative Dentistry) has been led by Professors Mizuho Nishino, Shoji Uchida, Shigenobu Ebisu, and Takashi Matsuo. Currently, we are pioneering a new academic field called Advanced Minimal Intervention Dentistry, promoting research in caries prevention and management, adhesive dentistry, esthetic dentistry, and pulp-dentin regeneration. Clinically, we maximize tooth preservation using the latest adhesive techniques, dental microscopes, and digital technology. We are dedicated to disseminating the latest treatments, refining techniques, establishing treatment systems, training specialists, and nurturing young talent. We emphasize international collaboration with leading researchers and clinicians, aiming to maintain a globally-minded research environment. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and cooperation.

Keiichi Hosaka, DDS, PhD
Professor, Department of Regenerative Dental Medicine,
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Tokushima University



Department of Regenerative Dental Medicine,
Tokushima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

The 3rd floor, Faculty of Dentistry Building, 3-18-15 Kuramoto-cho, Tokushima-city, 770-8504, Japan


保坂 啓一 教授
(Prof. Keiichi Hosaka)

中西 正 准教授/医局長
(Associate Prof. Tadashi Nakanishi)
